A recent violin.
Over the years I’ve developed my own models for violin, viola, and cello. I’ve had the incredible good luck to see and take the measurements of many of the most celebrated instruments of the Golden Period of violinmaking. Gradually, I’ve arrived at dimensions that maximize the acoustic results, while at the same time being eminently comfortable to play. My goal is to provide musicians with both a rich sound and a fast response with the least amount of work.
I work from my own midels, developed over a lifetime of measuring and working on some of the greatest instruments of the Italian Golden Periid. The advances in stringtechnology over the past few decades has made it oossible to design a cello with a much shorter string length that retains all the focus, power, and richness of older models. A big sound does not require a big instrument – and the extra wood in a larger model can slow the response. It’s simple physics: the more wood there is, the more work it takes to get it vibrating. With a shorter string length, my cellos are easier to navigate; and the smaller size makes for a lightning fast response.